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SCOTT Running Team


Birth Date: 06.07.1991
City of Residence: Mo i Rana
Height: 183cm
Weight: 76kg


- 5th Transvulcania VK
- 5th Blåmann VK (Tromsø Skyrace)
- 5th Tromsø Skyrace

- De Syv Søstre, Helgelandskysten. 3h 43min 38sec
- Hestmannen, Helgelandskysten. 40min 32sec
- Trænstaven. 14min 30sec

3rd place Tromsø Skyrace


Athlete talk

As a Norwegian, I of course have a background from cross-country skiing, and I’m still using the winter season to compete. My best result is 7th place from the 50k national championship. Beside doing sports, I work a little bit in the region bank.


Favorite race:
My favorite race until now is Tromsø Skyrace, because of the wild and technical terrain, good atmosphere and tough course. 

Favorite trail:
It has to be the trail over a famous local mountain traverse called De syv søstre on the coast of Helgeland, Norway. It’s many tough uphill’s and downhills, and the view is totally amazing!

Quote :
“ The recipe for success is discipline, continuity and joy! "

2018 GOAL

- Train through winter. 

FKT attempts
 - "De Syv Søstre" (The Seven Sisters): 25km, 3500m accent climbing. Very technical!
 - "Kungsleden" (The Kings Trail), Norway's most famous trail : 425km.
 - "Oksskolten" (The Bulls Head). Highest summit in Northern Norway. Very technical!
 - Compete in a couple of OCR-races during the summer.