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SCOTT Running Team

Sebastian Neef

Name: Sebastian Neef
SCOTT Athlete since: June 2021
D.O.B: 02.07.1989
Nationality: German
Hometown: born in Munich/raised in Regensburg/now loving in Füssen

Coming out of a very active family, Multisport has always been part of my life. With 6 years of age I already did some 40mile bikerides and competed in my very first triathlon at the age of 10. Besides that, mountains have been a consequent playground, where I learned to MTB, to trail-run and to ski. Since 2013 I have been competing as a Professional Triathlete with the big goal of qualifying for the Long Distance World Championships; however, in the last couple of years I widened my sportive appearance to some more Multisport events like Trailrunning, MTB, Cross- and Wintertriathlon, with some really noticeable success.

Athlete talk

Winner Tristar Rorschach/Transvorarlberg Triathlon, 2018
Winner Mountainman Nesselwang, 2021
German Vice Champion Long Distance, Challenge Regensburg, 2017, 8:10h
2nd Ski Trail Tannheimer Tal 60km XC Skiing, 2017
4th IRONMAN 70.3 St. Croix, 2015
4th Winter Triathlon World Championships Andorra, 2022
11th XTERRA World Championships, 2022
12th World Championship Challenge Family in Samorin, 2017

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I’m a nature lover (so treat mother earth with respect)
2-    I’m a night owl - I hate to get up early
3-    A little party never killed nobody (especially in off season)

Favourite race: IM Lanzarote
Favourite SCOTT product: Supertrac RC 2
A quote you live by: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”
Motivational song: The Middle/Jimmy Eat World