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SCOTT Running Team


Birth Date:  31.10.1992
City of Residence:  Rovaniemi
Height: 177cm
Weight: 62kg


2015 1st Place in Austrian mountain running cup race.
2014 Winter Olympic games – Moguls Skiing
Favorite race:  Livigno sky marathon/St Caterina vertical
Favorite trail: Trails around Bormio and special place is Passo Stelvio

Athlete talk

Humble guy from different backgrounds, living in arctic circle where winters are super cold. My life is much about sport as my partner being professional athlete. One of the biggest things for me is helping people who wants to reach something with endurance sports. As there is many people who has helped me a lot, I see giving back is really important and that keeps me happy.


Quote :
 Giving it all is way to get it.

2016 goals: 
European Mountain running championships,
Livigno Sky Marathon,
Overall improvement as a runner