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Martin McFly Winkler

Name: Martin McFly Winkler
Nickname: McFly
Birthdate: 12.02.1978
Nationality: Austria
Home Mountain: Warth-Schröcken am Arlberg

Athlete talk

How and when did you start skiing, how has it evolved ever since and what got you into freeskiing?
I was put on skis with 3 years by my parents and it was my father who introduced me to the backcountry.

What does skiing mean to you personally?
It changed me and my life to the better in so many ways.

What aspect of skiing thrills you the most?
Skiing good snow let’s us come as close as possible to flying. And the smiles it can create are unmatchable.

In what conditions and what terrain do enjoy riding the most?
Whatever the conditions. Life is always better in the mountains / or in boardshorts ;-)

Any activities that aren’t ski related?
Surfing, Photography, Music, BBQ

How do you manage to combine family/friends and job?
I am happy to say that many people I have the pleasure to work with, are my friends.

Please answer, if possible, with one word only.
Trick/Move: pole flip
Movie: twelve monkeys
Book: let my people go surfing
Drink: beer
Food: with good company
Country: Vorarlberg
Resort: Warth-Schröcken am Arlberg
Car: 4wheel drive

What do you like about SCOTT?
Design and quality

What are your favorite SCOTT products?
LCG compact and Riot+ pole

What SCOTT products are you using this year?
Symbol helmet, LCG compact goggle, Riot+ pole, backprotection

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
Riding pow with my kids.

What sponsors do you ride for besides SCOTT?
HEAD skis, PIEPS emergency gear, LEVEL gloves

What’s playing on your iPod right now?
Times New Roman

People you feel you need to thank?
Everyone that believed in me and is taking me as I am.
A dreamer.