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Defining The Cup // Episode 1: Moab, UT with Amanda Cordell

09 giugno 2016

In this Episode: Amanda Cordell prepares for the first SCOTT Enduro Cup of the season in Moab, UT with a few days of practice on the course. Some windy weather mixed with back pains force Amanda to abandon her camping plans and retreat to a hotel. After a good night’s sleep, she prepares for race day with stretching and a good breakfast before heading off to battle the course’s slick rock and sandy corners.

In the simplest sense possible, racing is all about who’s the best. However, the end results or final rankings are not always what’s important, it’s that personal limits are pushed, and everyone is competing for themselves, not just a spot on the podium. Defining The Cup is a series that follows three racers, Amanda Cordell, Teal Stetson-Lee and Stan Jorgensen, along three stops of the SCOTT Enduro Cup, documenting their personal experiences and racing philosophies.

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