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Hour Record Attempt

30 ottobre 2014
Matthias Brändle attacked the UCI Hour Record October 30th 2014 from 18:50-20:10 CET and set a new World Record with a distance of 51.850 km

We are pleased to announce that Matthias Brändle, an Austrian rider with the Swiss UCI Professional Continental Team IAM Cycling, attempted to break the UCI Hour Record. The attempt took place on Thursday October 30th at 7pm on the velodrome of the UCI World Cycling Centre (WCC) in Aigle, Switzerland.

Twenty-four year-old Matthias Brändle (1m89, 75kg) is the current Austrian Champion in the time trial, a title he has also won previously in various categories in 2013, 2009 and 2004.
Established for the first time (35.325 km) in 1893 by the founder of the Tour de France Henri Desgrange, the Hour Record is one of the most iconic records in the world of cycling. The current holder of the record is the German rider Jens Voigt, who covered 51.110 km in 60 minutes on September 18th 2014 at the Grenchen velodrome in Switzerland.

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