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N1NO- #HUNTFORGLORY- Chapter 9: Hitting the Gym with Nino Schurter

18 febbraio 2016
The reasons behind Nino Schurter being one of the most iconic mountain bikers of time date is ever growing. One thing that sets him apart from the rest is the atypical way he trains and prepares for the season. Nino decided to reject traditional training methods and to re-think mountain bike training from the ground up. What does a mountain bike racer actually need? What do Cross-Country races require from a rider? The first part of "Hitting the Gym with Nino Schurter" dives into Nino's coordination and balance workout, which Nino and his coach have built specifically for the needs of mountain bike racers. It combines power, coordination and regeneration exercises, replicating a race environment. Get a look at some never before seen cycling workouts that could very well change the way you ride a bike. 

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