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Children of the Columbia

07 novembre 2018

SCOTT is proud to announce that the long awaiting movie “Children of the Columbia” is finally live and ready to watch for you: 

Join big mountain skier and SCOTT athlete Dane Tudor; and Christina Lustenberger as they travel up the waterway that shaped them, the mighty Columbia, home to some of the best skiing in the world. From Trail through Revelstoke and on to Kinbasket Lake, through the famed Selkirks, Monashees and Rocky Mountains, Dane and "Lusti" move northwards through a unique mountain culture. A land of stark contrast, where dams and development give way to wilderness, massive snows, and a sea of peaks. Combining Sherpas Cinema's award-winning cinematography, with a rare mix of archival footage and narration, and featuring a custom score by UK producer Rival Consoles, Children of the Columbia is a ski adventure, historical documentary, and sensory feast all wrapped into one. Children of the Columbia: A Skier's Odyssey is presented by CMH Heli Skiing, in Association with Scott Sports, Smartwool, and Supported by Mica Heli-skiing and Black Crows. 

Produced by Sherpas Cinema 

Music Written and Performed by Ryan Lee West, Published by Erased Tapes Music Ltd. 

Additional Music "Headwaters" Performed by Holy Smokes

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