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In the Meadow Part 2

11 gennaio 2019

After a successful scouting mission to Golden Holiday Alpine Meadows, Sam Cohen decided it was worth a trip back with bigger objectives and a Strong supporting crew.

For seven days, the crew experienced an anomaly of snow conditions. Storms on and off all week deposited more than three feet of snow on top of the existing blower pow. With no short supply of perfect snow conditions, and the weather cooperating, Sam and team made the most of it. "The skiing was incredible. Diving in and out of the white room, gasping for a breath while unweighting in-between legitimate neck deep turns,” says Sam. “All of the infamous pillow lines were in play and more."

As the week passed, the team found themselves deeper and deeper into the terrain finding unique pillow lines, and endless steep shots. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end, but after just tasting the quality that this region had to offer, Sam knew he had to come back with a bigger crew and tackle some of the bigger terrain later in the future.

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