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Two Minutes of My Life

09 giugno 2015

Sometimes it's the pursuit. Sometimes it's the rush. Sometimes it's pure instinct that drives you. What does it take to reach good results? Does perfection exist or is it just in our heads to keep going?

We put everything we have into making products so good that nothing can distract you from those experiences on the mountain – that your mind and body can stay in sync from the moment you click into your skis to the moment you catch your breath again, ready to do it all over again.

But where do you find the energy and motivation to do it all over again? There are no shortcuts in our product design - What does it take to live a life were no shortcuts cannot be taken?

From the summer in 2013 until spring in 2015, a filmmaking team followed the life of SCOTT alpine skiing athlete Šárka Strachová. They collected many interesting shots from backstage of professional sport and alpine skiing, interviews with people who are the closest to Šárka Strachová and last but not least talking with her, about her, what is important and gives her energy, direction or joy in her life.

Watch the movie to understand what it takes to become a professional sport athlete and what it can mean to take no shortcuts to reach where you want to go.

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