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Snowmads: Sense of Home w/ Fabian Lentsch (Trailer)

19 febbraio 2020

Professional freeskiers Fabian Lentsch, Markus Ascher and Roman Rohrmoser spend a winter at home in the Alps, experience enormous amounts of snow and describe their feelings and perspectives of "Home". What is home for well travelled pro skiers, how does it feel for them and is home really connected to one specific location?

After big trips to Iran and Greece in the last years, Fabi and his Snowmads buddies decided to spend most of this winter at home in the Austrian mountains, touring around with the Snowmads Truck and chasing the perfect powder. The luck was definitely on their side as Austria’s seen one of the best winters since many years.

Check out the FULL MOVIE in the link: https://win.gs/2T3FO1Y

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