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Jenny Rissveds Wins 1st XC World Cup

14 aprile 2014

To have already three World Cup wins and a European Championship in the Eliminator category on the Palmares at only 19 years of age is remarkable. Yesterday, Swedish Champion Jenny Rissveds added another win to her collection winning at the first stop of the U23 XC World Cup in Pietermaritzburg South Africa. 

Jenny showed from the start that there was no doubt would would be standing on the top step at the end of the day. She effortlessly made her way through the technical sections, and was fast on the climbs riding to a solid start to finish victory. 

"I can't ask for more than starting the season with such a success. The team put high hopes in me and I really wanted to give something back. Proud about my first XC World Cup win and the confidence is there to show some more in the upcoming race in Cairns, Australia." 


Well done, Jenny! 

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