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SCOTT Running Team

Mathis Lange

Name: Mathis Lange
SCOTT Athlete since: 2023
D.O.B: 24/09/2004
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown: Gesves, Belgium
 After 10 years of playing football, I started running during the Covid pandemic. I used to accompany my stepfather, who was preparing for an ultra trail. Initially just to maintain my physical condition, but it quickly turned into a passion. In 2021, I joined the Belgium trail academy, which supports me in my training to improve again and again. And Since 2023, Dries has given me the opportunity to be part of the Benelux Scott running team where I feel so good. Now, I love training in the mountains or in the Ardennes forests. In competition, I participate in trails of more or less 15 km. However, I need uphill or downhill sections because when it's flat, I'm bored. 

Winner Belgium championship mountain classic junior 2022
6th (1st Ju) Giru di tumbonu (Restonica trail by UTMB) 
20th junior YCC 2022
2nd (1st Ju) Trail du jambon 15km 2023
3rd Scratch (1St Junior) 6000D découverte 2023

Athlete talk

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    The more it climbs, the more I love it
2-    My favorite drink is the after race beer 
3-    When I run, walkers believe they see a wild boar 

Favourite race: Trail du Jambon 
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT supertrac RC 2 
A quote you live by: No pain, No gain 
Motivational song: L'Amour Toujours - Gigi D'Agostino