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E-Spark Media Reviews

21 maggio 2018

The E-Spark is one of our most innovative and advanced E-bikes ever. Thanks to the light and compact Shimano drivetrain with an integrated battery, we realized a new benchmark of integration and design. Here’s what the international bike media has to say about it:

 “All you’d ask for a good e-powered trail bike”


“With its Shimano drive-train and Fox suspension, SCOTT’s E-Spark not only looks superb, it also offers very safe handling. It provides all you’d ask for a good e-powered trail bike.”

-              MountainBike, Germany

“Playful and fun riding”


“The E-Spark is particularly good on the handling side. It’s a playful, reactive and fun bike to ride even on downhills despite its moderate travel. You really need to push the bike to rough and technical sections to feel the limit of the bike – basically by being out of the E-Spark’s program. But the potential of the bike is really interesting. When it comes to pedaling, the picture is similar. The bike is playful and the riding is fun, with special emphasis on the combo shifter/display which is really ergonomic. A “small” bike for a large array of riding.”

-              Big Bike, France

“Great value for your money”


“There’s easy justification behind all of the E-Spark models, and we’d be the first to applaud the brand for the cheaper 720 model. However, venturing off gravel tracks adds a dimension in which the E-Spark 700 will excel, leaving you convinced that your pennies have been invested in the right place. If the extra dollar brings you out in a cold sweat, then you won’t go wrong by dropping down a tier and going for the E-Spark 710, which offers great value for money.”

-              ebike-mtb.com, Germany

“Ticks all the boxes”


“SCOTT managed to considerably transfer the riding feel of its Spark Plus onto its new E-Spark. The result is a very sporty and fun to ride E-Bike, which stays easy to handle despite its 22kg and ticks all the boxes when it comes to specifications.”

-              Ride, Switzerland

About The 2018 E-Spark 700 Series

Following the same logic of the Olympics’ winning Spark, and thanks to the kinematic with a single-pivot rocker link design we got a stiffer and higher performance frame. The choice of dedicated E-bike components like E-MTB specific suspension completes the full package.

Learn more about our E-Spark technologies:


And find out all you need to know about e-bikes:


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