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Picos vulcânicos, vales profundos e formações rochosas impressionantes. A ilha de Santiago oferece características geográficas variadas e vegetação diversificada, tornando-a perfeita para aventuras de BTT.

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Squamish BC é o epicentro do ciclismo de montanha na América do Norte e sem dúvida que já ouviste falar dela. Mas a questão é: existem alguns trilhos ou circuitos que não tenham sido ainda percorridos pelos diligentes locais ou pelas hordas de visitantes de verão? Desafio aceite.

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Chasing Trail

EP. 37 – Irlanda

Na frente mais ocidental da Europa, encontra-se a Irlanda, uma ilha relativamente desconhecida no que respeita à oferta aos praticantes de BTT que a visitam.  Parece uma ideia perfeita para aquela roadtrip de uma vida!

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Chasing Trail

Ep.36 – Versa

With Versa, the goal was simple: to maximize the diversity of landscapes you can ride your bike — visually and geologically — in a 10 day road trip around BC, Canada.

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Chasing Trail


Scotland might be small but as a Mountain Bike destination it’s mighty. The famous Fort William Downhill Track and Tweed Valley might have put the country on the mountain biking map but outside of these two destinations there is a lot more on offer. Scottish Mountain Biker and SCOTT athlete, Scotty Laughland shares his secrets in this dream road trip video from the North West all the way down to the Scottish Borders in the South - this is his ‘perfect’ 7 day road trip to get a taste of what MTB’ing in Scotland is like.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.34 – The Ultimate Extreme Family Getaway - Valais, Switzerland

Every year during the summer we are faced with the same problem: Where can we go on vacation as a family so that everyone gets their money's worth? Lois wants bike park and jumps, Leni wants enduro trails, Karen wants a high alpine experience, and Holger? Holger just wants to go surfing. Our friends advised us that there was no place better than Valais, Switzerland. So off we went! And we were not disappointed.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.33 – Verbier – The Catalogue Shoot

Every year, the marketing team here at SCOTT is tasked with shooting a small (read: large) selection of our new products for the following year. Usually, we call this the catalogue shoot, and we do one for Road and one for MTB. When you look at a print ad, what you don’t see is what goes into it. Sometimes, they’re one-shot bangers, but often, there is a fair bit of blood, sweat and tears (of joy) that go into getting into a magazine or on an ad, and we thought it would be great to get you a look into that process.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.32 – Training Ground w/ Dean Lucas

What happens when Dean Lucas finds his world has been flipped upside down? He get’s to work, allowing nothing to derail his path to his ultimate goal: owning the top step. Watch Episode 32 of “Chasing Trail” now.

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Chasing Trail

EP.31 - Masterclass de Andrew Neethling
Há algum tempo atrás desenvolvemos em conjunto com o Brendan Fairclough uma edição baseada na ideia de pedalar perto de casa devido às restrições que actualmente vivemos. Bem, o Brendan e o Andrew Neethling são amigos de longa data. E como ambos são atletas bastante competitivos, o Andrew viu a edição do Brendan e disse, “tudo bem, provavelmente consigo fazer melhor.” Então, desafiámos o Andrew a provar a sua afirmação. O resultado? A Masterclass de Andrew Neethling, com sete bicicletas a uma distância de 11 quilómetros de sua casa. Qual foi a tua masterclass preferida? Brendog? Ou Needles?
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Chasing Trail

Ep.30 - Masterclass de Brendan Fairclough

A série Chasing Trail sempre procurou levar os nossos atletas para locais exóticos para gravar conteúdos que nos fariam querer sonhar. Nestes tempos que se vivem actualmente isso não será possível. Então dissemos: "esperem um segundo!" Um pouco por todo o mundo os ciclistas estão a apaixona-se novamente pelas suas zonas de residência, apreciando cada vez mais a possibilidade de pedalar em casa e de sair para um passeio. Uma dessas pessoas é a estrela da Taça do Mundo de Downhill, o Brendan Fairclough.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.29 - Leogang
Racing is all about being smart with your time and energy. There is no chance to site see or take in the surrounding trails when at a race. You barely have a chance to look around at the most magnificent mountain peaks which surround Leogang because you are so focused with the job at hand. The mountain ranges are truly breathtaking. I was excited to see what they had to offer away from the race scene and race track.
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Chasing Trail

Ep.28 - The Brendan Fairclough Local
For years, Andrew Neethling would spend time in between World Cup Rounds at Brendan Fairclough's house in the south of England. Sick trails, perfect turns, ideal ruts, and usually not too wet, the Surrey Hills are home to some of the world's best riders, and a location well worth checking out in the future.
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Chasing Trail

Ep.27 - Farwell Canyon
The Road Trip. The act of taking the idea of escaping the day-to-day, to go explore and experience new surroundings. KM1919 was no exception. Calvin Huth, Steve Shannon and I had been eager to get out and explore the vast dreamland known as Farwell Canyon. This unique and sought-after zone that was founded and ridden in the early ’90s by the pioneers of freeride mountain biking. 
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Chasing Trail

EP.26 - Tuscany with Nino
N1NO Schurter spends 95% of his time training or racing on his bike. Like all super stars, the 7x World Champion likes to escape in the off-season from his busy schedule and spend time with family and friends somewhere remote. Here is why.
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Chasing Trail

Ep.25 - The Real Ibiza Party
Head to Ibiza to learn more about a lesser known side of the island, its mountain bike trail network with SCOTT Sports Bike Athletes.
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Chasing Trail

Ep.24 - Zermatt

Andrew Neethling heads to Zermatt for the first time, and what he finds will be seared into his memory forever. Switzerland is truly a special place.

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Chasing Trail

EP. 23 - Scotland
As famosas Terras Altas da Escócia são conhecidas no mundo do Mountain Bike pela árdua, longa e rochosa pista da Taça do Mundo de Down Hill de Fort William. Contudo, para além disso, há uma grande riqueza de trilhos que permanecem por explorar.
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Chasing Trail

Ep. 22 - La Palma

Quando pensamos na Europa, a maior parte de nós pensa em grandes cidades antigas, calções de couro e na Rainha. Mas o que muitas vezes não realizamos é não nos vem à mente é que existem selvas, florestas antigas, palmeiras e vulcões. Num continente tão lotado onde até para encontrar um local à beira rio para por a tolha é difícil, isto não é surpresa. No entanto, quando olharmos com mais atenção, podemos encontrar praticamente qualquer coisa, – até mesmo vulcões.

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Chasing Trail

Ep. 21 - The Traverse

Can you take a back country ski-touring approach, and apply it to a bike trip? We sent Kevin Landry and the boys deep into BC to find out. No Quarter tells the story of 5 guys heading into the back country with information from google maps and broken stoves, and shows the adventures they had aboard their SCOTT Genius's.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.20 - Cape Town

Cape Town might have some of the best riding on earth, at least that is what Andrew Neethling tells us. What do you think?

Scotty Laughland and Andrew Neethling riding in South Africa, enjoy.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.19 - Iran

A trip to Tehran and its backcountry has confronted Andrew Neethling and Holger Meyer with reality: together with locals, the well-travelled pros explored the pearl of Persia’s single trails — and experienced not just the country’s top-notch trail network, but also the warmth of its inhabitants. Their perception of Iran was turned completely upside down.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.18 - Headed to Utah

It's winter. The Pacific Northwest is cold and rainy. You want to ride bikes, and think that Utah might be the perfect destination. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Head to the desert with Kyle Jameson and Stan Jorgensen for some dry trail and all time adventure.

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Chasing Trail

Episódio 17 - 24H em Chilcotins

O fotógrafo Margus Riga tem uma abordagem bastante simples, para tirar fotos com os amigos profissionais, tem de pedalar tão rápido como eles. Nascido na Estónia, criado em Toronto, mas moldado na British Columbia (para onde se mudou com 18 anos de idade) as suas fotografias são muito características, com um estilo muito pessoal e distinto. Quando vemos as fotos, quase que ouvimos os pneus a rolar.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.16 - The Local
At SCOTT, we're pretty fortunate to be based in a country with loads to offer in the form of singletrack. The Alps offer anything anyone could desire for a day on the bike. They offer a perfect testbed for new products, an ideal environment for company team building, and ultimately, they provide us with a playground for the weekends.
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Chasing Trail

Ep.15 - Bralorne, BC
Mountain Biking is generally best in mountain towns with a large enough (or core enough) population to build and maintain trail networks. These are the ingredients, which have built meccas such as Whistler, Sun Valley, Kingdom Trails, the Surry Hills etc. Bralorne, with its 70 full time residents couldn’t be further from the norm. Located north of Whistler, Bralorne seems to be in the middle of nowhere, yet surrounded by world class mountain bike riding.
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Chasing trail

Ep.14 - Atacama
Atacama. The word rolls off the tongue as easily as nature’s palette moves across the surface of the Mars-like vistas. Home to the driest non-polar desert in the world, Atacama is at once a geological phenomenon and a place of deep history of copper and salt mining. For Lorraine Blancher, it’s been a place of wonder ever since she picked up a copy of National Geographic when she was younger.
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Chasing Trail

Ep. 13 - Following the Horsemen

A journey through southern Africa's forgotten mountains.

Following The Horsemen is a film that not only highlights the potential of Lesotho as a new adventure destination, but also provides an invaluable glimpse into its heritage through the country’s iconic horsemen.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.12 - Nova Zelândia com Brendog e Needles
"Quando finalmente chegava a altura em que nós os três tínhamos alguns dias livres no nosso frenético calendário de início de época, nós vínhamos para aqui. O Brendan tinha acabado de se envolver nas suas últimas filmagens do #DEATHGRIPMOVIE e o Andrew estava a começar um novo empreendimento e a aventura da sua vida com a SCOTT. Eu andava a chateá-los à anos para me virem visitar a Nelson, Nova Zelândia e finalmente isso tornou-se possível."
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Chasing Trail

Ep.11 - Shooting fjords and mtb in Norway

When Mattias (Fredriksson) called at the beginning of 2016, I could feel his excitement through the phone. He had an idea for our next catalogue shoot, and he had arguments to sell it: the fjords, the mysterious ever-lasting Scandinavian light and trails still relatively unknown to mountain bikers… It was enough to make us want to sign the deal.

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Chasing Trail

EP.10 - Geoff Kabush on trail in North Vancouver

Geoff Kabush is best known for traveling the world and tearing up the global cross-country racing circuit, where he rips around on a quiver of anorexic hardtails and short-travel XC bikes. But those who know him will tell you that that his heart and soul are rooted in the Pacific Northwest of the USA and Canada.

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EP.9 - Costa Rica - La Pura Vida
Head to Costa Rica with Holger Meyer and company to discover why the country might have some of the best riding on earth.
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Chasing Trail

EP.8 - Disneyland for MTB

Head out to the fabled "Disneyland" zone outside of Squamish to ride some of the areas finest trails with Kevin Landry and Dustin Adams.

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Chasing Trail

Ep.7 - Revystoked with Dane Tudor

For Pro Skier Dane Tudor, Mountain Bike has become a summer staple. Taking a mountain bike to locations that he frequently visits in the winters, Dane shows us what it is to get lost, and to really feel the flow that the mountains have on offer. 

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Chasing Trail

EP.6 - Philippines - Out of the Comfort Zone

The Trippin Fellaz head to the Philippines in search of shred. Boy did they find it.

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Ep.5 - California Dreaming - Kyle Jameson
We've been watching Kyle Jameson grow and evolve as a rider for ten years now. From dirt jumps to Rampage and everywhere in between, its been a hell of a ride with KJ.
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EP.4 - Trippin - yacht week
Head out to Scotland with the Trippin Fellaz to sail from isle to isle in search of untouched singletrack! 
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Chasing Trail

EP.3 - Vedder Mountain, BC
Sometimes when everyone looks west, you should look east. Kevin Landry and Dustin Adams head to Vedder Mountain in search of loam, and loam is what they find.
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Chasing Trail

EP.2 - Neko Mulally
A few years back Neko Mulally decided to make the move to Brevard, North Carolina. One look at this edit will make the decisions behind that move pretty clear.
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Chasing Trail

EP.1 - Remy Absalon
Head to Les Vosges in France with Rémy Absalon to find out why the region consistently produces some of the World's best Mountain Bikers.
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